Question: 1 / 220

What is the potential incarceration penalty range for a first degree felony in Texas?

1 to 20 years

5 to 99 years or life

In Texas, a first-degree felony is considered one of the most serious categories of crimes. The law stipulates that the potential incarceration penalty for a first-degree felony can range from 5 to 99 years, or even life in prison. This significant sentencing range reflects the severity of the crime and the potential threat to public safety that first-degree felonies typically represent. Understanding this range is crucial for grasping the gravity of first-degree crimes within the Texas legal system, as it underscores not only the legal consequences but also the lifelong impact such a conviction can have on an individual. The upper limit of the sentence, which can extend to life imprisonment, demonstrates the state's willingness to impose harsh penalties for serious offenses, aiming to deter crime and ensure justice for victims.

10 to 30 years

2 to 5 years


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